(+34) 938645366
Ronda Boada Vell, 45, Palau-solità i Plegamans, Barcelona (Spain)

Tejidos para renovar la cocina

A veces un pequeño cambio puede significar una gran diferencia. Y este es el caso de los complementos de cocina. Cambiar la mantelería o las cortinillas suelen ser pasos sencillos pero que pueden dar un aspecto fresco y renovado.

¡Del armario a tu casa! 15 ideas para decorar tu casa con cuadros vichy. Ideas y Tendencias Interiores.

Por ello, este setiembre te traemos una serie de ideas para empezar nuevos proyectos otoñales:

Tejido anti-manchas

HM-MARADA. Referencia: 03813/18-0011. Tejido de poliéster antimanchas con estampado de frutas. Color: Multicolor.
HM-MARADA. Referencia: 03813/20-0011. Tejido de poliéster anti manchas con estampado de frutas. 2 delantales por 1m x 1,50m.
HM-MARADA. Referencia: 03813/41-0005. Tejido de poliéster anti manchas. Estampado de cuadros (10 mm). Disponible en varios colores.

En este caso hablamos del artículo MARADA: nuestro ya conocido básico STRECH al que aplicamos un tratamiento anti manchas. Así mismo, al ser STRECH nos permite aplicar estampación y, por lo tanto, poder jugar con los diseños.

Cuadro Vichy

Cuando hablamos de cocina, el cuadrito Vichy suele ser de las opciones más recurrentes. Una solución clásica con la que seguro no fallaremos.

CHECK 10MM. Referencia: 01309/7-0410. Tejido de Vichy 10mm. Color: Granate. Disponible en varios colores.
CHECK 5 MM. Referencia: 01309/3-0711. Tejido de Vichy 5mm. Color: Verde billar. Disponible en varios colores.
CHECK 3 MM. Referencia: 01309/2-0205. Tejido de Vichy 3 mm. Color: Gris. Disponible en varios colores.

Otros estampados

Si queremos dar un toque distinto a nuestra cocina, tenemos otras opciones disponibles.

SILVESTRE. Referencia: 03687-0004. Tejido finito de cuadros. Disponible en Rojo y Negro.
MANTILE. Referencia: 03919/01-0101. Tejido de loneta especial manteles. Color: Crudo.
SATAY. Referencia: 03792-0005. Tejido de bambula con estampado de cuadros margaritas flocadas. Color: Amarillo.
MANTILE. Referencia: 03919/02-0101. Tejido de loneta especial manteles. Color: Crudo.

Lino y Efecto hilo

Para evento y ocasiones especiales, podemos optar por un clásico: el lino. Un tejido selecto que vestirá cualquier mesa. En este caso, proponemos:

CLICHY COLOR. Referencia: 02002/1-0101. Tejido 100% lino. Disponible en varios colores.
TRISTAN. Referencia: 03333-0009. Tejido de lino con viscosa. Disponible en varios colores.
INARA. Referencia: 03388-0706. Tejido liso, de aspecto como el lino. Disponible en varios colores.

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team!.

Please note that our opening hours are Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 18:00 and Friday from 08:00 to 14:00.

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Se convoca a los accionistas de RAVIAL, S.A. a la celebración de la Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas, que tendrá lugar en el domicilio social (Ronda Boada Vell, nº 45, de Palau-Solità i Plegamans) el día 03 de octubre de 2023 a las 17’00 horas, para tratar del siguiente Orden del Día:

  • Primero.- Examen y aprobación, en su caso, de las Cuentas Anuales (Balance, Cuenta de Pérdidas y Ganancias y Memoria) del ejercicio fiscal que va de 1 de abril de 2022 a 31 de marzo de 2023.
  • Segundo.- Examen y aprobación, en su caso, de la propuesta de aplicación del resultado del ejercicio fiscal que va de 1 de abril de 2022 a 31 de marzo de 2023.
  • Tercero.- Aprobación de la gestión realizada por el órgano de administración durante el ejercicio fiscal que va de 1 de abril de 2022 a 31 de marzo de 2023.
  • Cuarto.- Ruegos y preguntas.
  • Quinto.- Lectura y, en su caso, aprobación del Acta.

A partir de la convocatoria de la Junta General, cualquier socio podrá obtener de la sociedad, de forma inmediata y gratuita, los documentos que han de ser sometidos a la aprobación de la misma, así como en su caso, el informe del auditor de cuentas, correspondientes a las Cuentas Anuales del ejercicio social que va de 1 de abril de 2022 a 31 de marzo de 2023.                                                                                                                             

Palau-Solità i Plegamans, 31 de agosto de 2023.

Xavier Planas Montserrat

Administrador Solidario de Ravial, S.A.                                                                                                                       

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Dos clásicos para abrir la nueva temporada: DAMA y NIDIA

Volvemos de las vacaciones con las pilas cargadas y el almacén lleno de novedades. Y entre ellas, los nuevos colores del Dama.

Ravial: proveedor exclusivo del artículo Dama.

Incorporamos 4 nuevos colores, siguiendo vuestras peticiones y las tendencias del momento:

DAMA. Ref.: 02291-0203. Tejido de crep con caída. Color: Gris medio.
DAMA. Referencia: 02291-0777. Tejido de crep con caída. Color: Verde Pino.
DAMA. Ref.: 02291-0450. Tejido de crep con caída. Color: Rojo Valentino.
DAMA. Referencia: 02291-0336. Tejido de crep con caída. Color: Azul Noche.

Uno de nuestros tejidos estrella, muy demandado por nuestros clientes gracias a su caída, tacto agradable y facilidad a la hora de coser. Es ideal para looks tanto casual como invitada.

Reposición del artículo NIDIA

Así mismo, también tenemos reponemos de nuestro NIDIA.

Un tejido que se adapta muy bien al cuerpo y que es muy suave. Ideal para invitada y novia, como por ejemplo de estilo lencero.

NIDIA. Referencia: 02568-1003. Piel de ángel elástica. Color: Malva.
NIDIA. Referencia: 02568-1002. Piel de ángel elástica. Color: Cardenal.

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team!.

Our customer service hours are Lunes a Jueves de 08:00H. a 18:00H. and Friday from 08:00H. to 14:00H..

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Tejidos 100% algodón para moda infantil

Volvemos con las pilas bien cargadas y con un objetivo: ¡prepararnos para la vuelta al cole!

Por ello, empezamos repasando todos esos tejidos 100% algodón con motivos infantiles, que proporcionarán ese equilibrio entre moda y comodidad a nuestros pequeños:

RECREO. Referencia: 04046/06-0502. Tejido de algodón dibujos infantiles. Color: Ocre.
HARU. Referencia: 02757/74-0302. Tejido de algodón con estampado infantil (gaviotas, cangrejos…). Color: Turquesa.
RECREO. Referencia: 04046/04-0502. Tejido de algodón dibujos infantiles. Color: Ocre.
HARU. Referencia: 02757/71-0003. Tejido de algodón con estampado infantil de vehículos. Color: Azul.
RECREO. Referencia: 04046/01-0502. Tejido de algodón dibujos infantiles. Color: Ocre.
HARU. Referencia: 02757/73-0003. Tejido de algodón con estampado infantil de anclas. Color: Azul.

Y, ¿Qué diferencia hay entre ambos modelos? Aunque ambos son 100% algodón, el model HARU. tiene más caída y el modelo RECREO tiene más cuerpo.

Sim embargo, a esta ecuación le añadimos una nueva variante: CARRUSEL model.. Un tejido 100% algodón con varios dibujos disponibles, así como con la posibilidad de estampar cualquier motivo, siempre que se cumpla una cantidad mínima de metraje*.

CARRUSEL. Referencia: 03862/10-0417. Tejido 100% algodón. Estampado infantil de ciervos. Color: Coral.
CARRUSEL. Referencia: 03862/06-0009. Tejido 100% algodón. Estampado infantil de bambis. Color: Rosa.
CARRUSEL. Referencia: 03862/02-0009. Tejido 100% algodón. Estampado infantil de unicornios. Color: Rosa.

*Puedes consular condiciones con nuestro servicio de atención al cliente o agente comercial.

Terminamos con dos últimas opciones similares (en cuanto a características) al artículo RECREO, también de algodón 100%:

TENTE. Referencia: 03902-0205. Tejido de algodón con estampado militar. Disponible en gris, caqui y azul.
YOYO. Referencia: 03901-0328. Tejido de algodón con estampado infantil marinero. Disponible en azul celeste y marino.

A parte de todos estos algodones, disponemos de una gran cantidad de tejidos para moda infantil:

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team!.

Le recordamos que a partir de setiembre retomamos nuestro horario es de Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 18:00 and Friday from 08:00 to 14:00.

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Banderas por metro: estatal y regionales.

Se acerca la The 12th of October, Columbus Day, is approaching. And with it, the ideal occasion to use the Spanish flags that we all have in our warehouses.

Bandera Española

Bandera estatal disponible:

RASO BANDERAS. Ref.: 02197-1044. Tejido de raso.

BANDERAS VARIAS. Ref.: 00958-1044. Bandera de poliéster y algodón.

Banderas regionales

We also have other regional flags como la canaria, la cántabra o la ikurriña.

BANDERAS VARIAS. Referencia: 00958-1055. Bandera de poliéster y algodón. Canarias.
BANDERAS ESPECIALES. Referencia: 00959-1053. Bandera de poliéster. Cantabria.
BANDERAS VARIAS. Referencia: 00958-1047. Bandera de poliéster y algodón. Andalucía.
BANDERA ESTEL-LADA. Referencia: 02282-1058. Bandera de poliéster. Estel·lada.
BANDERAS PANO. Referencia: 00568-1039. Tejido algodón/ poliéster. Pano 1m. Ikurriña.
RASO BANDERAS. Referencia: 02197-1046. Satin fabric. Senyera.

Banderas de fútbol por metro

Disponemos de otras football combinations, such as white and red, white and blue or white and red.

BANDERAS ESPECIALES. Referencia: 00959-1045. Bandera de poliéster. Estampado Azul/ Rojo.
BANDERAS ESPECIALES. Referencia: 00959-1043. Bandera de poliéster. Estampado Azul/ Blanco.
BANDERAS ESPECIALES. Referencia: 00959-1048. Bandera de poliéster. Estampado Rojo/ Blanco.

Bandera colectivo LGTBIQ+

Tal y como comentábamos hace unas semanas, también disponemos de la bandera arcoíris, relacionada con el colectivo LGTBIQ+.

Más información sobre la bandera arcoíris LGTBIQ+.

BANDERA ARCO IRIS. Ref.: 00959/1-1059.

Ancho: 80cm. Composición: 75% Poliéster/ 25% Algodón.

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team!.

Le recordamos que nuestro horario de verano es de from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 14:00.

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Fluorine printing

We are always listening to our customers' needs, looking for solutions to their ideas. For this reason, some time ago we added a new printing machine to our service. With a special characteristic: it is printing with fluorine ink.

A new way for our business to play with our designs and the flashy tones of the season.

For our part, we have designed some proposals on different bases:

MOTRIL FLUOR. Reference: 03138/20-0775.Chiffon fabric with polka dots of 3,50 cm. Fluorine print.
D-STRECH ESTP FLUOR. Reference: 03880/04-0512.Polyester fabric (stretch) with camouflage-military print. Fluorine ink.
ZUMBA DANCE FLUOR. Reference: 03868/06-0011. Knitted fabric with abstract print. Printed with fluorine ink.
ECO-PINO FLUOR. Reference: 03962/01-0011.Recycled polyester crepe fabric. Polka dots print of 3,50 cm. Fluorine ink.
D-MARION FLUORINE. Reference: 03828/01-0901.Lamé fabric decorated with another layer of metallic thread. Fluorine ink.
GYMFLUOR. Reference: 03825/05-0712.Special dance fabric with snake print. Fluorine ink.

And despite these are our proposals, we remind you that with our printing service we can print any design, in fluorine ink. An excellent oportunity to guarantee the production as long as the base is available.

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team

Our customer service hours are from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 14:00.

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Children's play fabrics

Children love playing with fabrics! It is a material that we all have around and we can create an infinite number of activities with it. It is a material that allows us to transform ourselves, make us disappear, play with textures...

And while the main play with fabrics is always dressing up, there are many more options! For example, building huts, making crafts, playing hide and seek, among many others.

For this, beyond the remnants that we may have, we present some fabrics that will give us a lot to play with:

Basic 'all-rounder' fabrics

BASIC STRECH. Reference: 00032-0711. Polyester flat fabric.
POPELIN COLOUR. Reference: 00150-0005. Polyester and cotton poplin. 

Versatile and " all-rounder " fabrics, with which we can let our imagination run wild.

Fabrics for crafts or decoration

Two fabrics stand out par excellence in this field: EVA Rubber and felt.

Easy to use and cut out, these fabrics are sure to make the youngest members of the family have a lot of fun.

Costume fabrics

Although we are specialised in Carnival fabrics and in our stock you will surely find the costume you are looking for, today we want to focus on some fabrics specially designed for the youngest ones to make their costume or hut from start to end: HM-PLAY collection.

HM-PLAY. Reference: 03816/08-0007. Printed fabric. For Montessori beds (1,50m. x 2,00m.)
HM-PLAY. Reference: 03816/12-0505. Printed fabric. Egyptian costume pattern. Pattern 1m x 1,50m.
HM-PLAY. Reference: 03816/09-0009. Printed fabric. For Montessori beds (1,50m. x 2,00m.)
HM-PLAY. Reference: 03816/03-0011. Printed fabric with superheroes print pattern - lego. Pattern 1m x 1,50m.

In any case, there are so many options for playing with the children this summer that there are no limits to the imagination!

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team

Our customer service hours are Monday to Thursday from 08:30 am to 17:30 pm and Friday from 08:00H. to 14:00H..

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Get ready for back to school

Although many of us still have to go on holiday, it is time to look to the future and think about the fact that in a couple of months the youngest ones will be going back to school.

The illusion on their faces, the feeling of growing up and the joy of a new dressing gown and snack bag will return.

School gown and snack bag

But before this moment arrives, we have to get to work on our Vichy painting:

CHECK 3 MM. Reference: 01309/2-0301. Vichy fabric. Frame 3 mm.
CHECK 5 MM. Reference: 01309/3-0301. Vichy fabric. Frame 5 mm.
CHECK 10 MM. Reference: 01309/7-0301. Vichy fabric. Frame 10 mm.
CHECK 3 MM. Reference: 01309/2-0009. Vichy fabric. Frame 3 mm.
CHECK 5 MM. Reference: 01309/3-0009. Vichy fabric. Frame 5 mm.
CHECK 10 MM. Reference: 01309/7-0009. Vichy fabric. Frame 10 mm.
CHECK 3 MM. Reference: 01309/2-0705. Vichy fabric. Frame 3 mm.
CHECK 5 MM. Reference: 01309/3-0705. Vichy fabric. Frame 5 mm.
CHECK 10 MM. Reference: 01309/7-0705. Vichy fabric. Frame 10 mm.

A popelín with a 70% cotton composition, ideal for making dressing gowns and snack bags.

We would like to remind you that some time ago we presented the extension of our Vichy with the new colours Grey and Brown..

Combination of checks and prints

In recent years we see a new trend, where classic Vichy checks are combined with children's drawings.

An original and fun new idea, in which the prints are combined to match the painting.

They can be combined on the dressing gown itself, as shown in the picture, or only on necks, sleeves or pockets.

In Ravial we have a big variety of fabrics with a children's print, to coordinate with our Vichy painting.

Let's look at a few options:

HARU. Reference: 02757/68-0601. Cotton fabric with stripes and children's print.
HARU. Reference: 02757/71-0205. Cotton fabric with children's vehicle print.
HARU. Reference: 02757/72-0302. Cotton fabric with maritime children's print.
RECREO. Reference: 04046/06-0502. Cotton fabric with children's drawings.
RECREO. Reference: 04046/05-0009. Cotton fabric with children's drawings.
RECREO. Reference: 04046/01-0001. Cotton fabric with children's drawings.
MASCARADA. Reference: 03761/55-0328. Popelin fabric with old-school rockabilly print.
MASCARADA. Reference: 03761/50-0011. Poplin fabric with emoticon print on tropical background.
MASCARADA. Reference: 03761/53-0002. Avocado print popelin fabric.

A huge variety to give free rein to our imagination!

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team!.

We remind you that during the months of July and August, our opening hours are from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 14:00. Our company will be closed for holidays from 07th to 20th August, both included.

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Summer 2023: Customer Service Hours

We inform you that during the months of July and August we will be open from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.

The company will be closed for vacations from August 7th to August 20th (both included).

We remind you that during these days our website will remain active. You will be able to pre-order your goods but any orders received during this period will not start to be prepared until lunes 21 de agosto. We apologize for any possible inconvenience caused.

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Printing service: new bases and patterns

We continue working every day to expand our already extensive collection of fabrics, with new printing bases and new designs.

New bases for printing


This is a very fine and soft satin fabric, imitating Indian silk. With it we can make blouses, shirt dresses or children's dresses, among others.

Due to its nature, we propose summery and delicate prints.

TAHITI. Reference: 03926/04-0007 Very fine and soft satin fabric, imitation Indian silk.
TAHITI. Reference: 03926/05-0011. Very fine and soft satin fabric, imitation Indian silk.
TAHITI. Reference: 03926/03-0710. Very fine and soft satin fabric, imitation Indian silk.
TAHITI. Reference: 03926/08-0762. Very fine and soft satin fabric, imitation Indian silk.
TAHITI. Reference: 03926/02-0601. Very fine and soft satin fabric, imitation Indian silk.
TAHITI. Reference: 03926/07-0006 Very fine and soft satin fabric, imitation Indian silk.


Another of the novelties that we have incorporated in recent times is the ECO-ALOE modelA GRS recycled satin with elastane.

With it we can make women's clothing, such as shirts and dresses.

ECO-ALOE. Reference: 03867/05-0009. Recycled satin fabric GRS, with elastane.
ECO-ALOE. Reference: 03867/01-0006. Recycled satin fabric GRS, with elastane.
ECO-ALOE. Reference: 03867/04-0710. Recycled satin fabric GRS, with elastane.
ECO-ALOE. Reference: 03867/07-0503. Recycled satin fabric GRS, with elastane.
ECO-ALOE. Reference: 03867/06-0302. Recycled satin fabric GRS, with elastane.
ECO-ALOE. Reference: 03867/02-0006. Recycled satin fabric GRS, with elastane.


We incorporate a new use to the already known POPELIN MASCARADA. And this time, with a very summery use: for men's and boys' swimsuits.

Its main advantage? It is a quick-drying fabric that can be printed with any design, thus completing the customizable kit for going to the beach, with the Microfiber towel, , Stretch beach bag and and Gymbath women's swimsuit..

Reference: 03761/53-0002 Avocado print poplin fabric.
MASCARADA. Reference: 03761/44-0011. Poplin fabric with children's fish and planets print.

New printed designs


This is a recycled fabric (GRS) printed that we already presented last season 2022 and to which we have added new colors, seeing the success achieved.

It is a light and elastic fabric in one sense, very pleasant.

ECO-QAMIZ. Reference: 03836/25-0005. Recycled fabric (GRS). Printed with small flowers. Light and elastic fabric in one direction, very pleasant.
ECO-QAMIZ. Reference: 03836/22-0006. Recycled fabric (GRS). Printed with small flowers. Light and elastic fabric in one direction, very pleasant.
ECO-QAMIZ. Reference: 03836/24-0007. Recycled fabric (GRS). Printed with small flowers. Light and elastic fabric in one direction, very pleasant.
ECO-QAMIZ. Reference: 03836/26-0503. Recycled fabric (GRS). Printed with small flowers. Light and elastic fabric in one direction, very pleasant.
ECO-QAMIZ. Reference: 03836/23-0005. Recycled fabric (GRS). Printed with small flowers. Light and elastic fabric in one direction, very pleasant.
ECO-QAMIZ. Reference: 03836/27-0705. Recycled fabric (GRS). Printed with small flowers. Light and elastic fabric in one direction, very pleasant.


We continue to expand our RAVIAL ECO collection by adding more patterns to our ECO-BAIKALA recycled polyester crepe fabric that we already introduced in 2021 and to which we have added new patterns according to the new season.

Its great versatility and characteristics(it does not wrinkle, has a lot of drape and is cool), make it a very comfortable fabric to work and wear.

ECO-BAIKAL. Reference: 03808/76-0005. Recycled polyester crepe fabric.
ECO-BAIKAL. Referencia: 03808/74-0920. Recycled polyester crepe fabric.
ECO-BAIKAL. Reference: 03808/77-0005. Recycled polyester crepe fabric.
ECO-BAIKAL. Reference: 03808/81-0601. Recycled polyester crepe fabric.
ECO-BAIKAL. Reference: 03808/78-0005. Recycled polyester crepe fabric.
ECO-BAIKAL. Referencia: 03808/74-0920. Recycled polyester crepe fabric.


We end this selection with a review of the new prints of our classic Natasha, a very well known crepe for our customers.

D-NATASHA. Reference: 00777/22-1013. A drapey crepe fabric. Polka dot pattern of 7 cm.
D-NATASHA. Reference: 00777/28-0330. A drapey crepe fabric. Polka dots print of 5 cm.
D-NATASHA. Reference: 00777/30-0003. Heavy drape crepe fabric. Polka dots print of 0.80 cm.

Printing service

We remind you that, being our own printing fabrics, we can print any drawing you wish.

Likewise, se stock availability is guaranteed for possible repetitions , as long as we have meters of base to print.

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Beach kit: swimsuit, towel, beach outfit and matching bag

Thanks to our printing service and corresponding bases, we have developed some beach kits, to combine as you like , consisting of swimsuit, towel, beach outfit and matching bag.

Swimwear fabrics

We have two printing bases with which you can create swimsuit sets for the whole family.

FOR HER. GYMBATH. Reference: 03817/90-0231.. Elastic fabric , special for swimwear. Old-school rockabilly print.
FOR HIM. MASCARADA. Reference: 03761/44-0011.Poplin fabric with children's fish and planets print. Quick drying.

Our extensive catalog of drawings allows to adapt any of our drawings to these fabrics, allowing to make any type of combination.

Composition made with patterns 2021321 (tropical) and 2023057 (avocados).

Fabrics for printed beach bag

We can continue combining these swimsuits or towels with a beach bag.

For this, we present two references, our NAO canvas and STRECH fabric:

NAO. Reference: 03846/01-0704.Twill fabric. Military print.
D-STRECH ESTP. Reference: 03509/80-0205.Polyester fabric. Camouflage print.

Towel fabric

We continue to expand this range of possibilities and combinations by adding a towel to the equation. In this case, it is our microfiber towel:

TOALLA MICROFIBRA. Reference: 03844/05-0006.Microfiber towel fabric with abstract print.
MICROFIBER TOWEL. Reference: 03844/07-0505.Microfiber towel fabric with tropical print.
Composition made with the drawing 2023520 in two colors, 0705 and 0003.

Fabrics for dresses and beach shirts

We have a wide variety of bases with which to make beach dresses, but in this case we choose our crepe base ECO-BAIKAL or knitted base ECO-PARAYAS, depending on the style you want.

ECO-BAIKAL. Reference: 03808/83-1003.Recycled polyester crepe fabric. Geometric print.
ECO-PARAYAS ESTP. Reference: 03925/10-0007.Knitted fabric. Soft and drapey. Abstract leaf print.

Our extensive catalog of drawings allows to adapt any of our drawings to these fabrics, allowing to make any type of combination.

Composition made with patterns 2022025 (tropical red) and 20160 (blue bicycles).

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team

Our customer service hours are Monday to Thursday from 08:30 am to 17:30 pm and Friday from 08:00H. to 14:00H..

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Guest Fashion 2023: styles and textures

If last week we reviewed the colors that are trending this season, today we analyze what dresses or styles to wear, as well as the textures in fabrics.

Two-piece outfit

Fashion is in circulation and always comes back. And it is the case of the two-piece sets, either pants or skirt.

If we want a classic style for the suit jacket, we can opt for a thin Chanel, as this season's novelty: TOFUA model.

However, if we advocate a style similar to Queen Letizia's, we will opt for our plain DAMA model, a smooth crepe with drape.

DAMA. Reference: 02291-0908. Crepe fabric with drape. Color: Pink/ Fuchsia.
DAMA. Reference: 02291-0617. Crepe fabric with drape. Color: Tangerine.
DAMA. Reference: 02291-0450. Crepe fabric with drape. Color: Valentino Red.

Volume, lots of volume!

Balloon sleeves, puffed, with shoulder pads or volume at the bottom. This is what this season's guests look like. A guest who seeks to balance the silhouette playing with the volumetric, both in skirt and shoulders.

And to achieve this effect, we will opt forrather rigid fabrics, such as taffeta or shantung. Very elegant fabrics, with an exclusive air.

NINOTS. Reference: 03301-0004. Shantung fabric. Special for parties.
PALMA. Reference: 01799-1003. Fine taffeta fabric.
NINOTS. Reference: 03301-0410. Shantung fabric. Special for parties.
PALMA. Reference: 01799-0923. Fine taffeta fabric.

Bare backs.

Sensual and feminine. So are the women who decide to uncover their backs. Proof of this is the dress of the influencer influencer lolalolita..

An elegant and simple dress that we can get with our classic models NIDIA or SORAYA, made of satin.

NIDIA. Reference: 02568-0005. Elastic angel skin.
NIDIA. Reference: 02568-0505. Elastic angel skin.
NIDIA. Reference: 02568-0617. Elastic angel skin.
SORAYA. Reference: 00138-0712. Satin fabric with a lot of drape. Angel skin.
SORAYA. Reference: 00138-0748. Satin fabric with a lot of drape. Angel skin.
SORAYA. Reference: 00138-0303. Satin fabric with a lot of drape. Angel skin.

Asymmetric dresses

Following the previous trend, we see how the asymmetry has also taken over the season. With which we can also combine other currents of the season, such as the sleeves with volume that we saw earlier, or the purple tone, also fashionable color.

For this style, we can opt for any of the classics mentioned above, or opt for other classics such as ADINA, a satin crepe, or the ARANCHAmodel, a satin with which we can give body to our confection.

ADINA. Reference: 01147-0901. Satin crepe fabric.
ADINA. Reference: 01147-1001. Satin crepe fabric.

Vaporous style

We finish this review with an ideal trend for those events where high temperatures are the protagonists. In this case, we will opt for fresh and light dresses, where we feel comfortable.

For this type of dresses, we can go for a plain, but we can also opt for a print. Either way, the vaporous style will give us a romantic and delicate touch.

PEDROCHE. Reference: 03876-0410. Chiffon plumeti fabric.
DRAVA. Reference: 00859-0413. Fine chiffon fabric perfect for evening gowns.
AYAMONTE. Reference: 03679-0410. Soft chiffon fabric with polka dots of 0,40 cms.

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team!.

Our customer service hours are Monday to Thursday from 08:30 am to 17:30 pm and Friday from 08:00H. to 14:00H..

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