(+34) 938645366
Ronda Boada Vell, 45, Palau-solità i Plegamans, Barcelona (Spain)

State and regional flags of Spain

Se acerca la The 12th of October, , Columbus Day, is approaching. And with it, the ideal occasion to use the Spanish flags that we all have in our warehouses.

We also have other regional flags such as the Catalan flag, the Andalusian flag or the ikurriña.

And others with football combinations, such as white and red, white and blue or white and red.

Finally, we also have the rainbow-colouredflag, the banner of the LGTBIQ+ collective..

And as the masks season is not over yet, we can transfer these flags to our sanitary garments.

View OEKO-TEX Standard 100 articles.

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team!.

Le recordamos que el pasado Monday, September 6th we will resume our regular opening hours. Monday to Thursday from 08:30H. to 18:00H. and Friday from 08:00H. to 14:00H..

Cover image: Imagen de wirestock en Freepik

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Oeko Tex Standard 100 Certified

What is this certificate? What is it for? What does it certify? In this post we will try to answer all your questions.

What is the Oeko Tex standard 100 certificate?

This certificate is an independent system that certifies that our fabrics do not contain harmful substances. These are neither in the fabric itself nor in the manufacturing stage.

It is the most widely used eco-label in the world to guarantee that the labeled textile products have been tested for more than 300 harmful substances.

Certification is based on the OEKO-TEX® catalog of scientifically based criteria and neutral laboratory tests, taking into account numerous substances, both regulated and non-regulated, that could be harmful to health, as well as preventive parameters.

Imagen: Wikimedia Commons

What are the benefits of Oeko Tex standard 100 certification?

Fabrics with this certificate ensure that they do not contain substances that are harmful to health. It has been shown that continuous and repeated inhalation of these substances over years can accelerate allergies or respiratory problems over time, for example. 

Types of products certified by the STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® certificate are grouped into four classes:

  • Articles that may be in direct contact with the skin for infants and children up to three years of age.
  • Articles in direct contact with the skin.
  • Articles that are not in direct contact with the skin.
  • Decoration materials.

Oeko Tex standard 100 certified fabrics.

In the images from left to right:

  • LICRA; Reference: 00559-0713. Elastane fabric. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.
  • POPELIN FLAMENCA CLAROS; Reference: 01488/2-0503. Special poplin fabric for flamenco dresses. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.
  • DAMA model; Reference: 02291-0505. Crepe fabric with drape. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.

In the images from left to right:

  • ADINA; Reference: 01147-0710. Satin crepe fabric. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.
  • NIDIA; Reference: 02568-0738. Elastic angel skin. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.
  • SORAYA; Reference: 00138-0303. Satin fabric with a lot of drape. Angel skin. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.

In the images from left to right:

  • D-STRECH ESTP; Reference: 03509/56-0901. Printed polyester fabric with ethnic print. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.
  • DANZA ZUMBA; Reference: 03304/31-0918. Knitted fabric with giraffe print. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.
  • D-TRIANA; Reference: 01880/71-0410. Satin fabric with flower print. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.

In the images from left to right:

  • DANZA TAYLOR; Reference: 03286-0302. Lycra fabric with hologram pattern. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.
  • DANZA MESHDANCE; Reference: 03518/02-0302. Printed elastane tulle. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.
  • JET; Reference: 02056/1-0003. Very fine flannel fabric with check pattern. OEKO-TEX Standard 100.

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team!.

We would like to remind you that from Monday, September 6th we will resume our regular opening hours. Monday to Thursday from 08:30H. to 18:00H. and Friday from 08:00H. to 14:00H..

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Cotton fabrics

Seguimos sumando días calurosos. Y aunque las vacaciones nos han dado una inyección de energía, aún nos siguen quedando días de calor por delante.

Por ello, hoy queremos repasar nuestra colección de algodones. Un básico que no debe faltar en cualquier armario ya que, debido a su naturaleza, se trata de un tejido natural, transpirable, duradero y resistente.

Empezamos con una de las últimas incorporaciones de nuestro stock: Modelo TUNA – Referencia 03827. Un algodón de calidad, consistente, de 125 gr/m2 con el que poder desafiar las altas temperaturas.

Sin olvidarnos del Modelo GUAYABA – Referencia 03794. Un algodón de 99 gr/m2 con un precioso y espectacular estampado floral.

Otra de las novedades de este verano ha sido nuestros nuevos dibujos del Modelo HARU – Referencia 02757. Un clásico de nuestro stock al que cada año añadimos los estampados más de moda. Y como no podía ser de otra manera, este año hemos el toque más alegre, con flores y lunares.

Y si lo que está buscando son soluciones en tonos lisos, aquí le dejamos una propuesta:

En esta selección, tampoco podían faltar los algodones bordados y perforados. Una solución tan fresca como elegante.

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team!.

We remind you that during the months of July and August, we are open from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 14:00. The company will be closed for holidays from 7 to 22 August, both included.

Cover image: Image de Racool_studio en Freepik

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Back to school!

Although there are still weeks to go, at Ravial we are already prepared for vuelta al cole.

That's why we offer you our extensive collection of Vichy fabrics, so that you can make your school coats and snack bags.

In the picture, Vichy fabric of 10mm. model CHECK 10MM. Reference: 01309/7. Available in several colours.

In the picture, Vichy fabric 5mm. model CHECK 5 MM. Reference: 01309/3. Available in several colours.

And if, as in the video, we want to add some children's drawings on the dressing gown, such as a collar or pockets, Ravial has a wide variety of options for children's motifs.

Images left to right and top to bottom:

  • HARU; Reference: 02757/36-0306. 100% COTTON fabric with printed polka dots.
  • POPPY 31; Reference: 02101/1-0301. 100% COTTON fabric with geometric print.
  • D-STRECH ESTP; Reference: 03766/38-0001. Flat polyester fabric with emoji print. OEKO-TEX Standard 100 certified.
  • MASCARADA; Reference: 03761/28-0004. Poplin fabric with Spiderman 18cm. x 16 cm. print.

If you have any questions or want more information about our fabrics, consult sales agent or contact our customer service team!.

We remind you that during the months of July and August, we are open from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 14:00. The company will be closed for holidays from 7 to 22 August, both included.

Cover image: Foto de cottonbro studio en pexels.

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Tejidos de protección para los más pequeños

Ahora que los pequeños ya pueden salir a pasear, ponemos a su disposición una oferta única:

¡Tejidos Poppy en oferta!

Además, podrá hidrofugar estos tejidos, bajo demanda, y recibirlos en el plazo de una semana – 10 días.

Material para la venta online

Como cada semana, les seguimos facilitando material para vender on-line a través de sus redes sociales y/o web, a través de su correo electrónico.

We would like to remind you that en Ravial seguimos trabajando de manera telemática e iremos preparando sus pedidos con la mayor celeridad que la situación actual nos lo permita.

Para cualquier cosa, le atenderemos en el correo de ravial@ravial.com o al teléfono 938 645 366, de 10:00h. a 13:00h. Gracias por la comprensión.

De nuevo, desearle toda la salud para usted, familiares y allegados.

Cover image: Imagen de prostooleh en Freepik

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Lunes a Jueves: 08:00 – 18:00
Viernes: 08:00 – 14:00
Cerrado 25/12 al 01/01 (incl.)